12th annual EOTTD meeting

24-25 May, 2024

Scientific program

May 24Friday Conference Sessions – Venue Sune Bergströms aula, Karolinska
8.00-8.30Registration + coffee
8.30-8.35Presidential opening: Ulrika Joneborg, EOTTDUlrika Joneborg
8.35-8.45Welcome Karolinska Emelie Wallin/Stefan Carlens/Agneta Rönnqvist
8.45-11.00S1: Diagnostics and management of GTD
Chairs: Frederic Goffin and Nienke van Trommel
8.45-9.00The role of pathology and genetics in the diagnosis of GTDSandra Wessman
9.00-9.15The importance of reliable hCG assaysFred Sweep
9.15-9.30Current treatment of low- and high risk GTNGloria Marquina
9.30-9.45Update on APSN/PSTT/ETTFrederic Goffin
9.45-10.15Case and multi-disciplinary tumor board
Michael Seckl (oncologist), Ulrika Joneborg (surgeon), Sarah Gillett (clinical nurse),
Susanne Fridsten (radiologist), Sandra Wessman (pathologist),
Svava Steiner/Caroline Leijonhufvud
10.25-10.55Coffee break and poster exhibition
10.55-11.55S2: Trainees session
Chair: Christianne Lok and Michael Seckl
10.55-11.10Additional value of Uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index for ultrasound diagnosis of placental site trophoblastic tumor: prospective cohort studyRaffaella Cioffi
11.10-11.25Investigating the Prognostic Significance of TERT Activation in Epithelioid & Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumours Emily Hayes
11.25-11.40Flow cytometry for ploidy of hydatidiform moleEmma Lildholdt/ Cathrine Linnea Hegtmann
11.40-11.55Use of the Abbott i-STAT®1 Point of Care device for hCG monitoring in early pregnancyCaroline Joyce
11.55-12.45S3: Nurses session
Chair: Kam Singh and Catriona Kenneally
11.55-12.05Case presentationLotte Boog
12.05-12.20Use of PROMsin GTDJane Ireson
12.20-12.35Digital support groups – the Swedish experienceAgneta Rönnqvist/Emelie Nilsson
12.45-13.45Lunch break and poster exhibition
13.45-14.45S4: GTD centers and harmonization of care
Chairs: John Coulter and Grzegorz Szewczyk
13.45-14.00The importance of centralization of GTD and harmonization of care
(Joint international guidelines)
Christianne Lok
14.00-14.10Single centre experience - EgyptReda Hemida
14.10-14.20Single centre experience – PragueRadovan Turyvan
14.20-14.30Single centre experience - MilanAlice Bergamini
14.40-15.10Coffee break and poster exhibition
15.10-16.30S5: Challenges and future perspectives in GTD
Chairs: Christianne Lok and Emelie Wallin
15.10-15.25Recurrent hydatidiform moleLone Sunde
15.25-15.40Current guidelines on persistent low-level hCG – when to treat?John Coulter
15.40-16.05Debate: Immunotherapy should be used as early as possible: pro vs conEhsan Ghorani/Pierre-Adrien Bolze
16.05-16.20Moving forward in GTDMichael Seckl
16.20-16.30Discussion and formal closure of the day
16.30Formal closure of the dayUlrika Joneborg/Emelie Wallin
16.30-01.00EOTTD networking activitiesMeeting point: conference venue next to the lecture hall, where catering has been served.


Academic Conferences - administration for EOTTD Meeting 2024

Phone: + 46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03
E-mail: eottd-stockholm2024@akademikonferens.se


Important dates

16 February - Registration opens
8 April - New submission of abstract deadline
22 April - Confirmation of abstract acceptance
24 May - Scientific program
25 May - EOTTD working parties


Organised by